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What to Do When Your Roof Damage Insurance Estimate Is Too Low

Filing an insurance claim on your roof can be incredibly stressful. Especially if you receive an insurance estimate that falls short of covering the necessary repairs. When this happens, it's essential to know what steps to take to ensure that you receive the appropriate compensation. [...]


How Much Will a Roof Replacement Cost for Your Barn?

Your barn houses your horses, animals, and important equipment. The roof over your barn plays a critical role in ensuring those precious contents are protected, and the structural integrity of your barn is maintained. When the time comes for a roof replacement, the thought of [...]


Make Sure Your Roofing Estimate Includes These 8 Items!

Your roof has many more components than just the shingles you’re able to see. All of these components form a roofing system that works together to protect your home. When it comes time for replacement, every component of your roofing system most likely needs to [...]


6 Key Factors That Affect What Your Roof Replacement Costs

Is it time to replace your roof? Have concerns about the cost associated with your project? Understanding what goes into your roof replacement and the significant factors driving up the price will help you feel confident making selections for your home. […]
